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Trump should risk arrest and attend son's graduation, Piers Morgan says, force Dems into 'political suicide'

After the judge of the Supreme Court of New York, Juan Mirchhan, told Trump that he would face his arrest if he had not attended the sessions of the daily court in the trial of his silence, Fox Nation Persion Morgan said that the presidential candidate for the virtual republican party should attend the graduation of his son Baron and the challenge. The judge's warning.

"Donald Trump must go to the graduation of his son ... Go to the graduation. Frankly, if you look, President Trump, go to the graduation. Each father in America, whom they love you Or hate you, will go. " Morgan said Ali on Monday "five".

Baron Trump is later graduated from this month from the Oxbridge Academy in Palm Beach, Florida, while his father should appear in a merchain in a courtroom in New York, 1,200 miles away.

Morgan, who carried out an interview with Trump with Fox Nation, sometimes described tense in 2022.

The host "Bear Morgan: Incapy Tiw of censorship" also launched the Mirchhan affair, which was submitted by the provincial lawyer in New York, Alfen Prague, "is completely ridiculous".

Judge Janine Pérou, who held a court in the neighboring province of Weststster and has been the republican prosecutor for many years, said Merchane could have already received an allocation order.

Morgan continued to contact the idea that the former president would be transferred to the court with a possible 10 -year penalty for "he would have only one night with a porn star" which has no total meaning.

"Have you lost your head, America? What a humiliating way to treat a former president. Second, if you are on the left, why do you think it could succeed? Why don't you think what you are doing here almost guarantee Donald Trump to win the next elections? "

For his part, Trump said that Mirchhan's decision that he could not attend the arguments of Baron or the arguments of the Supreme Court of another case in which a "perfect tip" participates to help the "radical democrats of LEFT".

"This is exactly what they want. This is the intervention of the elections, that's all."

Jesse Watters, Fox News host, added that former President Bill Clinton had occupied the main big titles of his 1998 legal level with the former employee of Arkansas, Paula Jones, but he did not Received the same meticulous examination to Trump.

Jones received a payment of $ 850,000 on his complaint in 1991, then the governor of the State - harassed him inside the Little Rock Hotel. Jones - One of Clinton's many accused, called Trump as a guest to discuss the Missouri against Hillary Democratic Wife during the 2016 race - Clinton turned out and made sexual progress.

At the time of the colony, Clinton's lawyer Robert Bennett said that Jones' complaint was indisputable.

Michael McCore, the journalist of the White House at the time, said that Clinton was "delighted because he had been justified for a long time".

"These are personal expenses," said Wattar.

He said: "Clinton used special money because it was a special number", which indicates that Trump did the same.

"This is the most corrupt prosecution ... and the jury is 90% democratic. The star is a stone criminal and a false seed," he said, referring to the old " Fixed Trump "Michael Cohen.

[T] is the gathering of jury essentially similar to the jury group.

Watters seems to be consistent with Morgan's feelings about the potential threat of arresting Trump.

"If this judge says that he cannot attend the graduate of Baron in high school, Trump wins a landslide," he said. "He will win in California if that happens." 


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